Offering -Accommodation available
- Type of Accommodation: House
- Location: Simcoe st/ eastwood ave
- Distance from DC/UOIT: 2 mins walk
- Price: to be discussed over call
- Number of People: couple/2 girls/
- Gender Preference (YES/NO): No
- Number of Rooms: 1(Masterbedroom
with washroom attached) and 1 other
- parking available- yes
- Shared or Individual? Both
- First month and last month rent
required (YES/NO): Yes
- References required (YES/NO):No
- Amenities: Refrigerator/Stove/
Microwave/ internet
- Move in Date: immediately
- Specific qualities in prospective
tenants: quite and clean
- Subletting (YES/NO): No
- Contact number/method: 647-781-4666