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Skill Tree Deep Dive: Optimizing the Lacerate Druid’s Spirit Boons

Balancing Offense and Defense Through Ancient Blessings

Balancing Offense and Defense Through Ancient Blessings

The Lacerate Druid’s power hinges on strategic Spirit Boon selections, which amplify its ultimate-centric playstyle buy Diablo 4 Boosting:

  1. Eagle Spirit – Avian Wrath:

    • +40% Critical Strike Damage synergizes with NaguXan’s guaranteed crits, turning each Lacerate hit into a nuke.

  2. Wolf Spirit – Calamity:

    • Extends Ultimate duration by 35%, allowing Lacerate to maintain its 6-second channel longer—critical for clearing large packs.

  3. Snake Spirit – Masochistic:

    • Heals 3% Max Life on Critical Strike. With Lacerate’s rapid hits, this provides near-constant sustain during channeling.

Controversial Pick:

  • Deer Spirit – Gift of the Stag (+20 Spirit) is often skipped. While tempting for resource management, Lacerate’s Spirit cost (75) is easily offset by Spirit Bond (Spirit on Kill) in AoE scenarios Diablo 4 Items buy.

Pro Tip:
Prioritize Iron Feather (Eagle Spirit) for +15% Armor when pushing high Pit tiers. Defense becomes paramount when facing level 150+ elites.
