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Unlock Your Programming Potential: Master-Level C Assignment Help with Expert Solutions

Explore master-level C programming with expert solutions for complex problems like memory management and priority queues. Discover top-notch help and unlock your programming potential at

Navigating the complexities of programming assignments can be challenging, especially when you're striving to master advanced concepts. At, we understand the difficulties students face and are dedicated to providing high-quality assistance with programming assignments, including those in C. Our expert team is here to guide you through master-level programming problems, ensuring that you not only complete your assignments but also gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

In this blog post, we’ll explore a couple of advanced C programming questions that are commonly encountered at the master’s level. These examples will demonstrate the depth of our expertise and the kind of support you can expect when you request to “do my C assignment” through our services. We’ll provide detailed solutions to these problems, showcasing the quality and precision that our team brings to each assignment.

Problem 1: Implementing a Memory Manager in C

One of the advanced topics in C programming is memory management. For a master-level assignment, students may be asked to implement a custom memory manager. This problem tests understanding of dynamic memory allocation, pointers, and memory fragmentation.

Problem Statement:

Implement a simple memory manager in C that supports the following operations:

  1. void* my_malloc(size_t size); - Allocates a block of memory of the given size.
  2. void my_free(void* ptr); - Frees a previously allocated block of memory.
  3. size_t my_get_alloc_size(void* ptr); - Returns the size of the allocated block of memory.


Here's a simplified implementation of the memory manager:

#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include stddef.h

#define MEMORY_POOL_SIZE 1024

static char memory_pool[MEMORY_POOL_SIZE];
static char* next_free = memory_pool;

void* my_malloc(size_t size) {
if (size == 0 || size MEMORY_POOL_SIZE - (next_free - memory_pool)) {
return NULL; // Not enough memory or invalid size

void* block = next_free;
next_free += size;
return block;

void my_free(void* ptr) {
// Simple implementation; real implementations should handle fragmentation
// and deallocate memory properly. This implementation does nothing.

size_t my_get_alloc_size(void* ptr) {
// Simple implementation; in a real implementation, you would need to keep track of allocated sizes
return next_free - (char*)ptr;

int main() {
// Example usage
char* p1 = (char*)my_malloc(100);
char* p2 = (char*)my_malloc(200);

printf("Allocated block size of p1: %zu bytes\", my_get_alloc_size(p1));
printf("Allocated block size of p2: %zu bytes\", my_get_alloc_size(p2));

return 0;


  1. Memory Pool: We use a static array to simulate a memory pool.
  2. my_malloc: Allocates memory from the pool and updates the next_free pointer.
  3. my_free: This function is a placeholder; a full implementation would handle deallocation.
  4. my_get_alloc_size: Returns the size of the allocated block based on the next_free pointer.

This implementation is basic and serves to illustrate the concept. In practice, a memory manager would need to handle fragmentation, deallocation, and other complexities.

Problem 2: Designing a Priority Queue with Heaps

A priority queue is another advanced concept that often appears in master-level C assignments. Implementing a priority queue using heaps can demonstrate a strong understanding of data structures and algorithms.

Problem Statement:

Implement a priority queue using a binary heap. The priority queue should support the following operations:

  1. void pq_insert(int priority, int value); - Inserts a value with the given priority.
  2. int pq_extract_max(); - Extracts the value with the highest priority.
  3. int pq_peek_max(); - Returns the value with the highest priority without removing it.


Here’s a basic implementation of a priority queue using a max-heap:

#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h

#define MAX_SIZE 100

typedef struct {
int priority;
int value;
} HeapNode;

typedef struct {
HeapNode heap[MAX_SIZE];
int size;
} PriorityQueue;

PriorityQueue pq = { .size = 0 };

void swap(HeapNode* a, HeapNode* b) {
HeapNode temp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = temp;

void heapify_up(int index) {
while (index 0) {
int parent = (index - 1) / 2;
if (pq.heap[index].priority pq.heap[parent].priority) {
swap(pq.heap[index], pq.heap[parent]);
index = parent;
} else {

void heapify_down(int index) {
int left_child = 2 * index + 1;
int right_child = 2 * index + 2;
int largest = index;

if (left_child pq.size pq.heap[left_child].priority pq.heap[largest].priority) {
largest = left_child;
if (right_child pq.size pq.heap[right_child].priority pq.heap[largest].priority) {
largest = right_child;
if (largest != index) {
swap(pq.heap[index], pq.heap[largest]);

void pq_insert(int priority, int value) {
if (pq.size = MAX_SIZE) {
printf("Priority Queue is full\");
pq.heap[pq.size].priority = priority;
pq.heap[pq.size].value = value;

int pq_extract_max() {
if (pq.size == 0) {
printf("Priority Queue is empty\");
return -1;
int max_value = pq.heap[0].value;
pq.heap[0] = pq.heap[pq.size];
return max_value;

int pq_peek_max() {
if (pq.size == 0) {
printf("Priority Queue is empty\");
return -1;
return pq.heap[0].value;

int main() {
// Example usage
pq_insert(10, 100);
pq_insert(20, 200);
pq_insert(15, 150);

printf("Max value: %d\", pq_peek_max());
printf("Extracted max value: %d\", pq_extract_max());
printf("New max value: %d\", pq_peek_max());

return 0;


  1. Heap Operations: heapify_up and heapify_down maintain the heap property after insertions and deletions.
  2. pq_insert: Adds a new element and ensures the heap property is preserved.
  3. pq_extract_max: Removes and returns the maximum element (root of the heap).
  4. pq_peek_max: Returns the maximum element without removing it.

This implementation provides a basic yet functional priority queue using a max-heap. It’s designed to demonstrate core concepts and can be extended for more complex scenarios.

Whether you need help with memory management, data structures, or any other advanced C programming topic, our team is ready to assist you in achieving academic excellence. Let us help you unlock your programming potential and master your C assignments with confidence.
